11.05.2022: Happy 1st Birthday

30.04 und 01.05.2022: SRA Börsborn. Click for more information here.
27.05 und 29.05.2022: Frühjahrssieger show dnd Europasieger show. Click for more information here.
15.07.2022: Turners health resaults came back. Näheres findet ihr hier.
17.07.2022: Clubshow vom Retriever Club Luxemburg. Click for more information here.
02.10.2022: SRA Namedy. Click for more information here.
14.10 und 15.10.2022: Bundessieger show and Herbstsieger show in Dortmund. Click for more information here.

23.10.2022: Turner passes the LCD character test in Singhofen under judge Simone Metz.
01.11.2022: Turner passed the shape value test with Excellent under judge Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel in Borken.
13.11.2022: 78.IRAS Karlsruhe. Click for more information here.
22.11.2022: Turner got his breeding licence from the LCD.
25.11.2022: Turners eye examination was clear.
We wish you a wonderful Advent season

17.12.2022: Kerstshow in Gorinchem. Click for more information here.